doTERRA will be a participating sponsor of nine American Cancer Society (ACS) events throughout September, October and November as part of their support of initiatives focused on fighting cancer.
“The fight against cancer is something that affects every American, and we know that we are stronger when we fight together,” said Ross Johnson, Senior Corporate Relations Manager. “We are proud to partner with doTERRA, a company that has a mission of empowering people and uplifting communities around the world. We appreciate its support of so many causes benefiting our national and community-based initiatives focused on eliminating cancer.”
As part of this support, the company is giving $50,000 worth of monetary and in-kind donations to support ACS.
“What we value through these engagements and our partnership with American Cancer Society is the fact that these are community-based events with local, passionate volunteers and contributors working to support friends and neighbors suffering from this terrible disease,” said Kirk Jowers, president of doTERRA North America. “Whether through monetary or in-kind product donations, we hope our support helps to lift and strengthen those who continue to fight for survival and research. Our contribution represents the love and support of thousands of doTERRA employees and millions of doTERRA customers around the world.”
doTERRA has also continued its fight against cancer through the funding of the Huntsman Cancer Institute for the creation of the Center for Comprehensive Care and Women’s Cancers in Salt Lake City, and for the completion of the doTERRA Center for Integrative Oncology within St. Elizabeth’s new Cancer Center near Cincinnati, Ohio.