Mari Loli Sánchez Cano
Betterware de México, S.A.P.I. de C.V. has appointed Mari Loli Sánchez Cano to its board of directors. With her addition, the board now includes 11 members, eight of whom are independent directors.
Mari Loli joined Jafra Mexico in 1991, which Betterware acquired in April 2022, and became president of the company in 2007.
“We are very pleased to welcome Mari Loli to our Board,” said Luis G. Campos, Betterware Executive Chairman of the Board. “She is a proven leader with over 32 years of experience within Jafra and 16 as Jafra’s CEO. We look forward to benefitting from Mari Loli’s expertise in business and market development. She has exceptional strategic capabilities; her experience is expected to be highly valuable to Betterware Group.”