This year, a number of leading direct selling companies have announced their departure from the network marketing model, including most recently Rodan + Fields and Seint. This has unsurprisingly led to significant and widespread backlash from distributors in the field who feel left behind by a culture and business they helped build. Many direct selling […]
Nancy Bogart has always done direct selling her way. Twenty-four years after launching a party plan business with no previous direct selling experience, she’s learned, adapted and achieved more than she dreamed possible—and today, her business is more successful than ever.
Just like their male counterparts, women want guidance, support and accountability from someone who understands and someone they can trust to help them meet their goals. Mentors—that’s what women really want. Like generations of men whose mentors opened doors to career advancement, women want and deserve to experience mentorship’s transformational power in their lives, too.
This month is the debut of our new digital exclusive feature, Top of Mind, where we will give executives a platform to share their insights on the topics raised in each issue’s cover story. They’re sharing their “top of mind” thoughts in short, impactful nuggets, allowing our readers to get even more information (and inspiration). Top of Mind is only available online.
The heartaches suffered, hurdles cleared and groundwork laid by direct selling’s extraordinary founding sisters are but one turn of a spinning wheel of inspiration. The next empowering turn comes from the bold, creative and tenacious spirits of these 35 current day female founders, whose modern leadership and vision reflects many of the ideals and principles of their predecessors.
More than 30 speakers shared tangible action plans for how the industry’s leaders can continue to grow and adapt in the face of this year’s enduring challenges.
But the old-school direct selling party plan, where Jordan Essentials firmly planted itself and grew for 20 years, looked increasingly vulnerable in light of the pandemic. “I felt that if we did not pivot, we were going to be in trouble,” states Bogart.